quinta-feira, 10 de novembro de 2011

Saturday Night Live!

"Good evening, folks" Welcome back to our weekly show, Saturday Night Live! Tonight we have the teen idol, pop star sensation Justin Bieber with us. Everyone, please, a round of applause!"

Justin Bieber: Once again, thanks you Steve for inviting me tonight.

Interviewer (Steve): Not at all, Justin. Take a seat, boy, and we'll start the interview. So tell us a little about you past. Where are you from?

JB: I was born in Stratford, a small Canadian city with a popilation of just 30000 people.

S: I heard you come from a humble family. How was your childhood?

JB: To be honest, it wasn't easy at all, I lived in a small house with my mom, who raised me alone, She worked hard, having two jobsto pay the bills and to put food on the table. Throughout my life she has been a rolemodel and a hero to me.

S: But all that changed in 2007 thanks to youtube, isn't that right? Hoe do you feel towards the website?

JB: I owe ererything to YouTube. Ever since I started posting videos online, viewers have encouraged me and after a while i was discovered by Usher.

S: That's what I'm talking about! But, even before you became famous, you were a hit among Youtube viewers. How many views have you got so far?

JB: By now my most succssful song has been watched 340 million times.

S: Amazing! No ano doubts your singing talent. And what about the musician inside you? My sources tell me you play several intruments.

JB: Yeah, I play the piano, guitar, trumpet and drums.

S: Now, enough about your super star life. You're still just an average guy. What do you like to do in your spare time?

JB: You know, what most kind my age like to do: skateboard, hang out with my friends, play videogames, play sports and eat sweets!(laughs)

S: (laughs) you can't say no to dessert, can you? And what about girls? Are you a ladies man? Do you have a girlfriend?

JB: As a matter of fact, i do. As most of you probably know, I am dating Selena Gomez. She's awesome. She is absolutly gorgeous. I am totally in love with her.

S: Hey, hey! Don't say that!You'll disapointed your fans who think they have a shot with you.(laughs). Just kidding. I'm sure we are all very happy for you and Selena.
Dear audience, our time is up now, but catch us againg nest week, same time, on the Saturday Night Live Show! 'Til then.

(feito por: Mariana Amaral e Tainá Arêdes)

Na aula de inglês tinhamos que fazer uma entrevista com alguém famoso que estivesse na revista que foi entregue para cada dupla. Então está ai o resultado. Se tiver erro de digitação desculpa ai!
Postado por Tainá

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